Fast safe effective treatments for a wide range of pain related problems using the best of traditional and modern acupuncture intervention based on the latest research. All our treatment plans are aimed at relieving the symptoms of pain and discomfort quickly, whenever possible addressing the underline causes. I aim to do this with the minimum number treatments whilst assuring comfortable and painless treatment sessions.
I also offer treatment plans for a range on non-related pain problems. These include: stress relief, asthma, immune support, depression, constipation, fatigue and insomnia. Additionally I have experience in offering specialised treatment plans for IVF support, nicotine detox and depression & anxiety relief.
Many of our clients use Acupuncture to address the following problems:
- Back Pain (prolapsed disc, bulging disc, lumbar strain)
- Knee pain (sports injuries, arthritic pain)
- Neck Pain (spondylolysis, whiplash etc)
- Shoulder Pain (arthritis, Frozen Shoulder)
- Elbow Pain (tennis or golfers elbow)
- Wrist and Hand (carpal tunnel, arthritis)
- Foot and Ankle pain (plantar fasciitis, sports injuries)
- Sciatica
- Fibromyalgia
- Migraines
- IBS related pain
- Menstrual pain
- Shingles
- Neuralgia
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
Therapist – Kevin Hush Anderson
To view his Session times & Fees, just click on his name