What you can expect from your Classes
Starting at 10.30am with tea breaks, lunch and finishing around 4.30pm.
This allows you time to practise the techniques and digest all that you have learnt that day. Workshops are very relaxed and we cover Birth Basics as well as the Hypnobirthing massage techniques, Rebozo scarf, Birth Ball / Peanut Ball techniques, CUB, Labour positions and of course the Hypnobirthing scripts. I encourage Birth Partners to be involved but the Hypnobirthing scripts and techniques can be utilised by Mums on their own (or with reluctant Partners) very easily. It’s all about being informed and teaching you how to relax.

To book your place, you will need to contact Karen Rome directly – 07733 113138
Maximum numbers of Mums-to-be would be 3 with or without their Birth Partners to allow us plenty of space and the use of comfy chairs at the Centre.
The Full fee for both Sunday classes a week apart – £280