Neuro Linguistic Programming and NLP with Mindfulness Life Coaching

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NLP shows you how to monitor and adapt your thinking , break free from negative thoughts and shows you how to cultivate more useful inner beliefs about yourself and your world. It enables you to understand what makes you tick, recognise how you think, how you feel, basically how you make sense of the world around you.

NEURO NLP is based on the idea that we experience the world through our senses – sight, hearing , feeling , taste and smell to understand what is happening to you ……. and that sensory information is then translated into thoughts …… both the ‘ Conscious and Unconscious ‘.

These thought processes then activate the ‘ Neurological System ‘ which goes on to affect our ‘ Physiology , our Emotions and our Behaviour’

LINGUISTIC in NLP, ‘ Linguistics ‘ is the study of how the words you speak can influence your experience in life. It refers to how we use language to make sense of the world, and communicate that to others.

PROGRAMMING your behaviour and the way that you organise your ideas and actions, which then produce some expected and unexpected results.

Initial appointment is for 1 hour.

Therapists: Kathy Kennedy    Karen Rome

To view the individual therapists Session times & Fees, just click on their names

NLP with Mindfulness Life Coaching

NLP is all about bringing about changes in perception and working on the principle that everyone has all the resources that they need to make positive changes. However, anxiety and stress can often cloud our thinking or allows fear or procrastination to take over as we think too much about the future, so I like to add in some stress-busting and Mindfulness techniques to stop the self-sabotage, release the negative self-talk, overwhelming thoughts and emotions. I want to help you to learn how to take back control of your mind, emotions and decisions through Mindfulness.

For more info and to book a session, contact Karen Rome directly

Therapist – Karen Rome